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Re traing a 3 year old to go to the bathroom

19 9:23:41


I have an almost 3 year old dog that was crate and leash trained in the house and would go in the back to  go to the bath.  Walks were pretty much just for exercise and now i want to train him to do both on a walk, i have been successful with pee pee but not with poo.  He olds it and holds it!!  Please advise

ANSWER: I need more  info..  I cant tell from your question if he went in the crate....please revise a bit for me.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry no he  did not go in the crate. But when I had him on the leash he didn't have an accedent. Does this help?

I hope I have this right...  He is crate trained and you would let him go out in the back yard (loose) to go to the bathroom.  Now you want him to go on the leash on a walk.
Start by getting a retractable leash...If you are already using one, then get some very strong fishing line and tie it to his collar.   Take him for a walk in the back yard with both the fishing line and the leash on.  When you are close to the area where he normally goes, take the leash off and leave the fishing line on.  Try letting him run  out, letting more and more of the fishing line out as he runs away to go.  Also make sure he has to really go bad.   When he starts to go, praise him and Immediately AFTER he JUST finishes his business, pull the fishing line as if it were a leash and walk with him as you would normally.  Praise him a lot during the whole procedure.  After the first time he goes,  repeat the process until he will go while knowing you have the line on him.  Eventually you should be able to switch to the leash, (still in the back yard).  When you can do this take him out front.   One last important thing.  Each time he goes poop for you, say "Good Potty"  or whatever you have named this action.  Each time before you go out say,  "Lets go Potty"  and take him out.   This way when you go out front you can tell him what to do.