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Newfoundland coat

19 9:23:41

I have an adult newf and a 4 month old newf pup.  The 4 month old LOVES water.....normal right, but she is in water so much that she smells so so bad consistently.  Any suggestions?  I bathe her once a week and use waterless shampoo on the other days.  She still smells

Hi Chris,

I have to laugh, that's just the nature of the dog.  Some dogs have a smell that is just hard to control.  Swimming adds to the problem.  Look for a shampoo that has natural essential oils in it.  These stay on the coat longer and helps to control odors that are less then nice smelling.  I love the shampoo found here  
They also carry a bio-deodorizer spray that is safe for pets.  Just spray on and the odors disappear.  Spray on dog beds and anywhere less your dog hangs out to keep these smelling fresh too.

Best wishes to to I hope this helps your dog smell great.

Susan Potts,CPG