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My over-friendly Rottweiler

19 9:18:25

Hi Shelly! my name is Layal - I am concerned about my rottweiler Loki (male,6months)
I read alot about rottweilers before i bought him and to be honest, it scared me a little. I prepared myself for the worst! A little aggressive fur-ball who needed alot of training so he wouldnt bite someone's head off! Loki enjoys sitting between bunny rabbits and kittens! He wants to be loved and tummy rubbed all day! he shows no sign of aggression - towards other animals (big or small), children, people or anything else. He's like a giant kitty cat.

Is this normal??? We got him to guard the land we have, but all he does is sniff and lick everything!

Will he change? or is this just simply how he is?? we got them both a k9 military trainer- they are getting more obedient but not more defensive. He is telling me this is normal for their age, but most of his work is with German or Belgium Shepherds. I just need to know from an expert.

Thank you so much for your time.

Im just really confused!

Hi Lulu,

Thank you for writing to me about your new puppy.  This is the first time in 35 years that I've gotten a request for help with a loving, perfect puppy!  You are blessed to have such a grand and precious dog.  A 6 month old puppy cannot be expected to be a watch dog any more than a toddler can be expected to be a soldier!  The best thing you can do is love your puppy, start puppy basic training, do agility if it's in your area with your 1 yr old dog.  You can take the training (only use positive reinforcement techniques)to advanced levels.  Your dog will naturally be protective although perhaps not aggressive.  You do not want an aggressive dog who can bite someone, be removed from you as a dangerous dog and then put down for being such.  You want a dog that will warn you that strangers are on the property.  The rest is up to you.   Most tresspassers will quickly depart when they hear a large barking dog. The more your puppy loves your family, the more he will want to protect them as he matures.  

I am deeply touched that your dog loves other animals and many people would give so much to have a dog like this.  He is exceptionally precious.  Please just love your dog, nuture him and accept him just as he is.  You do not want to do anything to make him into a fearful mean dog...what you have is a prize!  

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis