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up up and away

19 14:02:30

Hi Nancy, I have have a dog that is part dog and part kangaroo Ha Ha  I can't keep her behind a fence! She can clear a 5' fence in ease what can i do other than a higher fence or lowering the entire yard Ha Ha Thanks for you help.

for your kangaroo  has a harness that supposedly keeps a dog from jumping.  I have never used it, but the premise looks really good.  If you try this out, make sure you use it when you are home to be sure it is safe.  Petedge will take anything back that you don't like.  The other thing you could try is an invisible fence which  gives (first a warning tone) a minor to major shock  when the dog even goes near the fence.  Getting out of a yard is serious and for me has resulted in a fatal injury for a beloved animal.  I hope these things help.
good luck nancy