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Clippers never work

19 14:02:31

Hi Wendy, i have bought a zillion clippers and can never get them to cut one hair off my cockers sometimes they make very little noise and sometimes others sound like frieght trains what am I doing wrong THANKS FOR YOUR HELP

Are you buying the professional grade (100.00 and up) or are you buying the 24.99 from Walmart?  The cheap ones just don't work well.  Most clippers come with a 10 blade on them.  That is really quite close of a cut. A 7F blade is good for a cocker....also, probably the biggest reason you can't cut thru the coat is that the hair is dirty.  You should always cut clean is much easier and your blades will last longer. Give the dog a bath the day before and when throughly dry...cut away.  Always cut with the growth of the hair and be extra careful in the "arm" pits and the groin area. You could easily knick them.