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doggies eyes

19 13:40:56

Hello, my golden retriever (Mutt) has been getting green mucus in his eyes for about three weeks now.  He was sounding congested but not much anymore.  He does scratch and lick his paws a lot.  His appetite is good and he is still very playful.  I took him to the vet last year and they really suggested allergy tests which I cannot afford.  The eye gook is probably worse this time.  I do give him Benedryl but it makes him very lethargic.  Please help if you can.  Thank You  

Hi Michelle!
You probably should take him back to the Vet for an allergy shot.  The scratching, licking of the paws and the mucousy eyes are symptoms of allergies. Just like people, dogs get allergies too, and it can make them miseralbe.  The Benedryl is good, but as you said, it makes them sleepy. If I were you, I would take him in NOT for tests, but for an allergy shot.  Tell your Vet you want to forgo the testing... it is very expensive.  
God Bless,