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dachshunds throwing up

19 14:03:28

My two dachshunds have been vomiting  lately...once or twice yesterday and today and the day before.  Otherwise they seem just as happy and "normal" as ever.  I haven't reallt seen anything in the vomit...once there was a lot of hair, but usuallt it's just vomit or food if they've recently been fed.  Thanks!
Andrew Redmon

Hi Andrew!
Sometimes dogs have an upset stomach, much like we do.  A little vomiting is nothing to worry about unless it is persistant and you see blood or worms.  It does seem odd though, that they are both vomiting.  Could they have possibly gotten into some garbage or eaten something they weren't suppose to have ?  If it continues, I would take them to a vet.  But if they are eating, playing and othewise acting normal, they are probably fine.  Just keep a close watch.  Dachshunds are such cute little dogs, I used to have one myself a few years back!

God Bless,