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Pad shredding

19 9:41:14

Did you ever get a helpful answer to the 2007 question about a dog's pad appearing to be "shredded" -- not bleeding, etc?  The answer I saw to your question was not helpful at all, it assumed it was just an abrasion.  Thank you.


Hi Glenn,

There may have been a response from that question from 2007, but I've answered an awful lot of questions since then. I don't go back to questions asked from so long ago, unless the person who asked the original question has more to discuss. I'm sorry you were not helped by my response to that question asked three years ago. If you'd like to get back to me with the particulars of your dog's problem, please do. Be sure to include anything you've already tried.

If your dog is limping around for several days, and nothing you've tried has helped him or her, you should have your dog examined by a veterinarian.

Best of luck,