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dog with swollen bump in ear

19 11:25:24

I have a 10 yr old Huskey mix who has a 1 inch lump in her ear.  It is not red or seem like it is sore but not sure what it could be.  Any Ideas?

Hi Chuck

There are a number of reasons that a dog might have a swelling in its ear. One of the more common causes is a hematoma, a blood filled blister that occurs on the ear itself. In other situations, an infection or foreign body might cause a swelling in the ear canal.

Lumps and bumps can form anywhere on a dog's body. Skin tags, also sometimes called fibropapillomas, skin polyps, fibrin tags or achrochordons are common benign growths that are not cancerous. However, it's never wise to self diagnose growths. It is a good idea to have unusual lumps examined when they persist.

A visit to your veterinarian would help determine what the problem is and how to treat it.

Best of luck,