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Sadie eats only cookies

19 9:20:15

I have a 6 year old Lhasa and she is sweet but recently she has decided that she no longer likes her food and only wants cookies. She drinks fine and goes to the bathroom without issues. She was a rescue. She only eats one type of food and no people food only because she wont eat it! She eats one type of dog treat. When i was training her i would reward her and now i think she feels that this is how to get treats. She is a tiny Lhasa about 8 lbs and smaller than the average Lhasa. I have taken her treats away from her and i have put her food up and will be trying a bison meat for dogs which is soft tomorrow morning to see if she will get back on track. I dont know what happened to make her change, nothing in my home has been upset or different. I need help!! I want my lil dog back on food and not cookies!! Spoiling her has bit me back! Can you help me?
Thank you


Hi Anne,

Sadie has a partner in crime who has been providing her with cookies, and enforcing this habit. Dogs are natural scavengers, and when they develop finicky eating habits, it's because they have been trained into it. By giving in to your dog's whims, you are training her to turn up her nose at the food you've chosen.

Many dogs develop finicky diet habits, and just like a child who only wants to eat cookies, you must be the strong willed parent who does what's right, even if it's an unpopular choice.

Because Sadie is in the habit of getting the food she wants, you can expect her to turn up her nose and refuse to eat the food you want to give her. This might go on for a couple of days even, but don't worry. A healthy dog won't starve itself. This is a battle of wills, and if you back down, Sadie wins.

Starting with Sadie's next meal, lay down the dog food of your choice, and leave the room. Don't try to coax her into eating, and don't mix special things into her regular food. In 15 minutes go back to Sadie's feeding location and whatever hasn't been eaten gets removed. Lift up her bowl, feeding time is over. No snacks between meals, no treats, NOTHING. She can of course have her water whenever she wants it. For the next feeding time, it's the same routine. And so on, and so on.  It would be very helpful if you increased Sadie's exercise in the way of extra leashed walks, during this time period that you're working to get her back onto her regular food, as a way of stimulating her appetite. A well exercised dog doesn't need to be coaxed into eating.

Like I said, expect her to miss a couple of days of food. This "tough love" will work when Sadie is good and hungry.  

Best of luck,
