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about bones and treats

19 11:13:20

hello i have a 6mos old lab shepard she eats everything how do i stop it? and can i feed her beef,pork fully cooked or cured bones? thank you for your time

Hi Jesse,

Thank you for writing to me about your puppy. Your dog must be absolutely adorable.  Please excuse the delay in responding, things have been very hectic here.

The first thing I would suggest is a check up by your vet.  If your puppy has worms or parasites she would constantly be hungry because she wouldn't be getting the nutrition she needs.  She is also at an age where she is growing quickly and needs extra calories.  What's important is her weight.  If her checkup proves that she is in tip top health, then what's most important is if she's within the normal weight range for her age and size.  

If she has gained more weight than is healthy for her, make a veggie mix using broccoli, zuccini, green beans, kale, spinach, (no onions, avocados, garlic)and mix the veggies with some yogurt in the blender. Take away some of her food and replace with the veggie mix.  (You can add some apples and pears - no seeds, no grapes or raisins- into the mix).  This will provide extra bulk without the calories.

You can also give her raw marrow bones to satisfy her oral needs.  They are very healthy and great for a teething puppy.

If you add some Prozyme to your puppy's food it will make sure that she is digesting and assimilating all her nutrients. Lastly, make sure you give her a good multi vitamin/mineral.

The best way to feed your dog is to rotate her food.  I would avoid pork because it is so fatty, but chicken, turkey, beef, venison, rabbit are good foods to rotate.  Cooked and cured bones are a big no-no because they can splinted.  Raw marrow is the way to go.

Make sure that your dog isn't overeating due to boredom.  Take her for long walks, lots of exercise and play time and get her some toys that will challenge her imagination.

I wish you the best of luck with your precious pup.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis