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Purebred Shih Tzu with Wire Hair

19 14:03:50

Hi Nancy, If you can write me back, I would love to send you a picture.  I'll start by saying, I LOVE MY SHIH TZU AND WOULDN'T TRADE HER FOR ANYTHING.  However, because of the public response I have received about how she looks, I'm starting to think the breeder lied, and she is not a purebred.  She gave me the AKC paperwork, and everything checks out -- BUT, my puppy has wire/short hair.  She has all the Shih Tzu markings, the personality, but her hair is thin and NO ONE (Vet, Groomer, People), believe she is a purebred, because they have NEVER seen anything like her. Just about everyone who sees her stops me to say, "that is the cutest dog I have ever seen, what is she?"  When I answer Shih Tzu, they say, "OH! Mixed with a terrier or something else?"  When I say, "no, she's a purebred." They look at me like I'm crazy, but then say, "I want her! I love her wire hair!  And you can see her face! Do you know if there anymore like her that I can get?"

I would be totally convinced she wasn't a purebred, if she hadn't had two sisters with her at the breeders that looked identical to her, but had nomral hair.  The breeder told me that the only one left for sale was the one I purchased...and that yes, she had a rare hair gene, but that I would save money on grooming.  (which I liked!)  Anyway, have you ever heard of such a thing?  It embarrasses me that people think I'm I actually love her so much, I wouldn't mind breeding her with a male like her -- to hopefully have puppies with hair like hers!  She is the cutest thing you have ever seen.  If I were a gambler, I would bet she is 1/2 Shih Tzu & 1/2 Jack Russel Terrier...although I can't imagine that be possible with this breeder.  Thoughts?

Hi Brenda,
My email is  I would love to see her.    There are many reasons a dog may not be "typical" in looks, but here are the two most common.  
There is a possibility that another male mated with the mom even though she was bred with another shih tzu.  It is possible to have two fathers or more in a litter.  Whatever sperm catches whatever egg will produce off spring.  Sometimes if a breeder has a bunch of dogs, of different breeds this may be possible.  Those little male rascals are ingenius at getting their way with a female.

The second reason could also be very valid.  Your dog may, indeed by purebred, but think about what has been done in the past to get that breed.. For instance,  Jack Russels were developed by breeding a beagle and fox terrer.  Well sometimes you get a jack russel that looks more beagle even though it was generations ago that the breed was developed.   I breed smooth fox terriers  which have whippet in the background.  I have a female pup right now that looks exactly like a whippet even though her lineage goes many generations back.    And ps.  I only have fox terriers.  No other male dogs were around when she was conceived.

It might be fun to look up how the shih tzu breed was developed and see if any of the ancesters have given her the genes that make her look the way she does.
Good luck