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sore toe nails

19 10:47:32

i have a 8year old staffie , he constantly has sore infected toe nails. The vet has prescribed steroids and antibiotics to which clears the problem. The problem returns a few weeks later. Any advice would be most welcome as i dont want him taking steroids for long periods. thank you.

Hi Jenny,

Sometimes, an infection will recur when the dog wasn't on the medication long enough. It's not so much that the condition returns, rather the condition wasn't wiped out in the first place. You should talk to your vet about keeping your dog on the medication for a longer period of time, to ensure that the infection really is killed. A skin scraping test, or biopsy might be helpful too, since the condition seems to return.

Control of secondary infections is a critical issue in controlling chronic itchiness in dogs. Because your dog might be chewing at his itchy foot, the moist warm skin breeds bacteria and yeast, causing further itching. The underlying cause has to be treated, but so does the secondary infection.

There are indeed health concerns associated with steroid use, but that usually is associated with long term use (several month or years). If prolonged steroid use is a concern, ask your vet if there are another medication that can be used.

Along with medication, you can help boost your dog's immune system using Omega 3 fatty acid supplements daily. The veterinary products often recommended for this is 3V Capsules, DermCaps or 3V Caps Liquid Skin Formula. Talk to your vet about applying Neem Oil, or Neem leaf extract to your dog's infected nails. It an antiseptic that has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Neem oil is not toxic to dogs.

Some nail conditions in dogs are a symptom of an underlying disease. If you'd like to get back to me with the name of the condition your dog was diagnosed with, I'd be happy to offer suggestions, if I know of any.

Best of luck,