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dog vomiting dark brown...

19 10:42:28


"My dog was up all last night vomiting, shaking and crying at me.  She seemed scared and hurting.  I called the vet and they said to wait until the morning.  She finally went to sleep and she felt better, however after reading about dog vomiting I am scared because it is dark brown.

Here's a recap-

my dog was vomiting dark brown about ten times last night.  Afterwards, she was starving! Ate all of her food and went outside and chowed down on grass.  She was gagging and licking her snout constantly.  She is still eating grass today.  The vet told me to feed her boiled chicken and rice- I did and she slept for four hours.  I was gone today, but just came home and when she eats she still gags a little and her stomach still seems uncomfortable.  Should I be nervous her vomit is dark brown?  I have heard bad things... I would have to go to the emergency vet but I am willing if I have too...Or do dogs just get stomach bugs?  Thanks  so much!"


Vomiting, shaking, crying and pain are not exactly great symptoms. Especially if it is dark brown or black which can indicate many things, probably the most serious of which is semi-digested blood from an internal injury that is leaking into the stomach. Since she was in pain and distress, I would not feel comfortable if she was my dog, waiting on taking her to the vet.

I can not give you a diagnosis since A) I am not a vet, B) I am not able to see your dog or her vomit, but I can tell you that if I were in your situation, and it were my dog, I would not feel right about waiting, and would take her to the vet immediately, even if it were the ER vet.

Good luck, and I hope she feels better!