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Dog sitting on me

19 9:48:29

Hi Kristin,

My boyfriend adopted a rescued male dog about 5 months ago after he was in the SPCA for about 4 years (the dog not my boyfriend).  I see the dog on the weekends and my boyfriend takes care of the dog during the week.  When I stay over at his place the dog loves to sit on me or or he'll lay on top of me (literally on me) or sits on my head when I'm in bed.   He only sits and leans against my boyfriend why does he sit on my head?


Hi Wendy,

You might never know the reason why your boyfriend's dog prefers to sit on your head when you lie down. It could be something as simple as he likes the feel or the warmth of your hair, the smell of your shampoo, or it can be just to be close to you.

It's also possible that the dog has a superiority complex as he tries to be as high as is physically possible, just to remind you that he is really the one in control. If the dog begins to get snappy or bossy with you, you'll need to remind him that you're really the "boss". Here is a simple way of enforcing your status as a leader within the "pack":

Unless the dog begins to develop a superiority complex, there is no harm in allowing the dog to sit on your head, providing you don't mind, and the dog is clean!

Best of luck,