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dog not playing

19 10:56:45

Any suggestions about a 3 1/2 yr old lab mix that doesnt know how to play, we adopted her about 5months ago and want to play with her and she doesnt seem interested


Hi Jen,

Sometimes you have to be a bit creative in creating play in an older dog. My experience has been that you can build it but maybe not by much. It is sad that she does not know the joy of play so I think it worth a try.

In order to create/build something like play you have to create scarcity or frustration. So play selectively or play slightly out of her reach until she starts trying to get it. You can play ball or tug, but if you tug play fluidly not jerkily so as not to over load her brain with the wrong chemicals.

Another option would be to feed her food 100% in one of those balls that spills kibble or a large Kong ball, that would most definitely change her perception of what toys are!

Or you could play hunting games with her food so she has to work for it a bit. Hunting can be absolute joy to the right dog.

But ultimately, she is an adult dog, if she doesn't appear to enjoy it, then maybe just finding other activities to enjoy together may be the most realistic route. She is who she is..