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yorkie after cruciate ligament surgery

19 14:01:19

Hello Lee,
I'm not sure if you can help or not, but just wanted to know if you knew anything I could give my dog to help her have a bowel movement. She had surgery 5 days ago, has been home for 4 days and hasn't had a BM yet. She is eating her treats, not so much food. Is there something I can give her to keep her from becoming constipated. She is on Rimadyl 12.5mg twice day. Any info would be greatly appreciated if you know of something! thanks!

Yes, go to your vet and get some laxative (lax air, laxatone, etc...) it will usually do the trick. Also you can try giving about 3cc of mineral oil (about 2 teaspoons) once or twice a day (you can mix it in with her food). Also be sure that she is getting plenty of water to drink. If the constipation continues for more than 2 more days get her back in to see your vet, she may require medical attention. Hope this helps.