Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my beagle is being very weird

my beagle is being very weird

19 11:36:23

hi my beagle is 10 and me and him got along for a while but now he just doesnt seem to like me as much as he used to......he has a master which he gets alogn with very well and i have never been like the master and i dont want to b i just want him to b more playful wit me......and i want to know as much as u kno about what makes beagles happy

Hi Jo,

Thank you for writing to me about your Beagle.  Below is a list of books that will help you understand dog behavior and psychology.  These are books that anyone who wants to start educating themselves about making dogs happy and relating to them in a deeper way can read.

The Other End Of the Leash (McConnell)
Leader Of The Pack
Calming Signals
Natural Dog Training (Behan)
The Culture Clash (Jean Donaldson)
The Dog Whisperer (Paul Owens)

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis