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GS puppy ears

19 9:43:35

we have a 6.5 mos old show dog German shepherd puppy from Germany. his ears r not standing yet but looks like teepee sometimes or one is leaning on other side, other one is floppy. we have been gluing them last a few weeks with no results. his ears going to be big. when do you think they will stand up or is it too late? will it help if feed him with yogurt, cottage cheese diet but we have been doing that too since he was little. we also feed him with hills diet.


Hi Hakan,

The general consensus is that if the puppies ears are not up by the time the pup is 7-8 months old they will not go up at all.

Since your puppy is six and a half months old, continue with the gluing. The ears should stay glued for about 1 month. Do not attempt to take them down or pull them apart- prior to their coming unglued. If they start to come apart any sooner, and you can tell the ears are not up yet, you would re-glue the ears, or tape them. Here are instructions for how to tape a puppy's ears:

Many times ears will be a little weak right after taping/gluing but with time they will strengthen. So when an ear does not stand perfectly after taping don't panic. Just have patience and see what happens. You will really not have an idea exactly what you have, until your pup is 12 months old.

I hope that helps.
Best of luck,
