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I hate my dog

19 11:36:39

I have a female wolf hybrid.  She is a year and a half, spayed.  She eats Iams large breed 5 cups a day with one can of wet mixed in.  Its the only food that doesn't give her diarrhea.
Today, I want to send her to the streets.  When I am working outside, I let her out of her kennel to run.  We have a fairly large yard.  She grabs absolutely everything she can, and taunts me with it.  She knows she's not allowed to have these things.  I give her plenty of toys, I bring her to the dog park as well as take her for walks, so she's not attention deprived.  Just discipline deprived.  I can't catch her to discipline her!  She has torn up so many of my things. I get so frustrated I am at the point that I break down in tears and have to just let her tear it up because there is absolutely nothing I can do.
What do I do to stop this?  I don't want to get rid of her.  She would be put down at a shelter because she is wolf, and she is terrified of other people, so I can't give her away.

Diane, what things is she grabbing and running around with? Can you not just put these things out of her reach so she has no opportunity to do this?

She needs some obedience training, Diane. She does not respect you. Is it clear that she is a wolf hybrid? What dog breed(s) is she mixed with? I would call her an "X" mix, and enroll her in an obedience course. I would recommend that you first try to get into a one-on-one course, rather than a group class, since she is so timid around other people. Many trainers will come to your house. See if there is one in your area that does so.

When you let her out of the kennel, leash her! Either let her drag a long line that you can grab a hold of if you need to catch her, or keep her attached to you. That way, you have a way to catch her and get the item away from her if you need to. DO NOT call her to you to take away an item or to discipline her.