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Glucosamine Chondroitin

19 9:44:50

I have a nine year old golden retriever who is starting to develop soreness and stifness in his hips. He is not overweight ( about 65-70 lbs) and is healthy but has had stomach problems in the past. I have been giving him him glucosamine chrondroitin supplements once a day which measures out to be 850mg of glucosamine and 600mg of chondroitin. The bottle says to take two pills a day but it is a supplement for humans. Should I be giving him two pills a day? I have not noticed a difference and it has been about a month, but I am afraid to increase the dosage because I don't know how much he is supposed to be getting.                                                                          Thank you

Hi Cassidy,

I would skip the supplements you are giving your dog and get some that are indeed formulated for dogs.  The one I suggest is NUJoint Plus.  Give them a try and see the difference.  Order now and if you don't see the results you are hoping for you can get your money back.  I don't like to use human supplements on dogs because there can be high doses of subsistences that are not good for canines to be taking.  Better to be safe than sorry.

NuJoint can be purchased by using order code 42299 calling 1-800-474-7044, they don't sell to the general pubic. Tell them Susan from Spotts Grooming gave you the information and ask about saving 15% on your order.

Hope this helps you and let me know how you dog feels after a month.
You can email me at if you have other questions.

Susan Potts, CPG