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Peek-a-Poo peeing on the carpet

19 10:08:53

I have a 2 1/2 year old male pee-a-poo.  He is crate trained.  On the weekends and in the evening when we are home he usually uses a doggie door.  Usually when we have company over or sometimes when it is just the family and nothing unusual is going on he will just pee on the carpet.  For no apparent reason.  He has gone out and peed and then 10 minutes later peed on the carpet.  He's been to the vet, nothing wrong.  My husband is done with this, we need new carpet because of him and my husband says the dogs got to go.  My daughter is devastated.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

He is doing this for attention,since he is no longer the center of attention

Now what you need to do to fix this,is when you have company over,crate him,same with when you are home with him-so pretty much re-do the whiole crate thing for about three weeks and slowly let him out more,but if accidents happen again,back in the crate he goes for another ten days

Sometimes dogs need refresher courses in house training,and this is fairly common,and is usually fixed within a month