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Agressive mom dogs

19 11:30:53

I am fostering a heeler/husky mix who is wet nursing 2 lab puppies. The puppies are about 2 weeks old. The "mom" keeps taking the puppies out of the training cage and puting them on the floor, then mouthing them. She is not grooming them or just carying them. When she does this they cry. Is this something she is suppose to be doing or is she hurting the pups? Should I stop her? I have had dogs before but never puppies.

It may be that she is just moving them out of the way-unless she is attacking them I wouldn't worry about it,dogs move there puppies all the time,it's pretty natural

A lot of times there's no real reason to move them,they just do-i have dealt with puppies myself and have seen mother dogs move them around with no real harm done