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PitBull Pups

19 13:59:59

We have 8 2 1/2 week old Pitbull puppies. They are already getting teeth.  Does feeding these pups food at 3 1/2 wks old hold true as in other breeds?  Mama seems to only be feeding them every 5-7 hours.  They are growing and gaining weight seem to be very healthy.  They are playing with each other and barking walking around.  Just a joy to watch! Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Jeri,  Yes you should be starting to wean them now by giving them puppy food soaked in warm water 3 times a day.  When you do this, take mom away so she doesn't eat it.  By 6 weeks mom should only be staying with them at night.  Once they get to 8 weeks old, they can go up to twice a day, and by then mom shouldn't need to be with them at all.  Hope this helps,
