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Puppy Vaccinations

19 14:01:24

My miniature pinscher is 5 months old and will be getting her 3 rd vaccination shot in 2 days. We are going camping 4 days after her shot, will she be protected by then? Or will she have to wait a full 7 days? THANK YOU!  

She should be protected by the time you leave for your camping trip (have a safe and fun time). It is; however, possible for her not to have developed immunity for some of the diseases she is being vaccinated against so it is possible for her to get sick but the possibility is very low. If I were in your position and wanted to take the dog camping, after I got her her 3rd shots, I would take her and not worry about it. One thing you may want to consider, since she will be outdoors, and will likely smell and eat strange stuff she finds in the woods, you may want to ask your vet for a dosage of dewormer so you can deworm her after the trip to kill any internal parasites she may pick up while out in the woods. Also remember flea and especially tick spray for her (and for you and the other campers) while in the woods. Ticks can carry deadly diseases that can infect your pet and you. Hope you have a great trip.