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losing bowel control

19 13:58:59

Bosco's a 130 lb. shepard mix. He was born in May '93, so he's in his golden years.
Our problem/question is this:
He's losing control of his bowels, and starting to leave hard droppings in the house. This drives us extra crazy, because we put him outside to do his business and he does urinate outside; but right after he comes back in the house; he takes a dump. What's going on?

Thanks for your question.  Its really nothing to worry about as far as him being sick or anything.  Thats not the case.  As dogs get older they get lazier and lazier, especially older dogs.  He might feel like the quicker he gets his business done out side then he can come back in.  I have a ? for you.  Do you let him in right after he pees or do you leave him out for an hour at a time.  If you leave him out for about an hour then he will more then likely go out there.  If you are doing that and he is still going poop in side the i would recommend a diper.  go to the website and type in dipers in the search box.  As dogs get older this kind of stuff just happens and if you can solve the problem outside then just get a diper and you wont have to worry about it inside.  Hope this helps.
