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Picking out maltipoo...Did I goof??????

19 14:02:22


I am just wondering if I did the wrong thing????  We went to look at maltipoos last week when the puppies were 4 weeks old. We fell in love w/ a little girl. I guess my question is:

1. did I pick too early, if I did what do I look for on more visits?
2.I guess I picked the that a mistake?

I paid a 50.00 deposit and I do not care if I loose it, we need a good puppy for my girls.
Should I keep an eye on her and see what she is like in the next 3 weeks????? How do I know she is okay....being the raunt????
I have learned this after putting deposit on her and I am scared that I will get a bad puppy....

Please help us....

Thanks Bunches....Gail

HI Gail,
No, I dont' think you goofed. If you are wanting a very small dog, then getting the runt is a good idea!  As far as healthy goes.... make sure your puppy has clear eyes, no runny stuff. Same goes for nose.. it should be clear, not runny.  If there is mucous around the nose or eyes, then the puppy is probably sick or getting sick and I would not get that pup!  She should also be alert, playful and sweet.  More than likely, you got the "pick" because most people want the smallest one. Have fun with your new puppy and  Good luck!

God Bless,