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eating cat feces

19 10:19:42

I have a beagle mix. She developed the habit of eating excrement out of the litter box. The box is in the basement and we stay on top of it however if the basement door is open to let the cat down she will go down (usually w/o knowing, until she comes up smelling like cat litter)
Is there any thing we can do to break this habit?
Also she started scratching something fierce. I'm not sure if it's allergy vs fleas.
Thank you,

This is something that is fairly common called Coprophagia,and what you can do for it is to go to your local petstore and look for a product called 'Forbid' or 'Deter' and what it is a pill you give the cat,it won't hurt the cat,but will make the dropings taste and smell bad to the dog,and after using it for a bit,the dog gets the idea and stops

As for itching,it could be a number of things,allergies are common-to see if the dog has fleas,check just above the tail,pull the fur apart and look for flea dirt,rather then the fleas themselves flea dirt will look like black specs