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Is my dog a lab or pitbull?

19 9:44:35

I adopted a lab pup yesterday (2/7/10) at Pet Smart and was told she is a lab (100%). But after looking at pictures, I find that she looks like a pit bull. I would be upset if I was given incorrect information as I was looking to adopting a lab. How can I find out  and what can I do if this is true?


Hi Dulce,

Without seeing a picture of your dog, it's impossible for me to say what breed of dog your puppy might be. Here are some pictures that might be helpful:

These are Labrador puppies:

These are Pitbull puppies:

Labradors are not spotted, and they do not have a "blaze" of white on their muzzle. They are only solid in color: black, golden to cream, and chocolate brown. Labs usually have longer ears, that go down to their cheeks, but this isn't true of all Lab puppies.

Short of doing a DNA test to identify the puppy's breed you don't have a lot of options. You can try contacting the AKC breed club for your state, enclose a picture of your puppy and see what they say. You also could return the puppy before you get too attached to her (and she to you). You may have a very short amount of time that you can return the puppy.

If you do the DNA test, and the results come back as your puppy being a Pitbull, you'd have an air tight case (or even a lawsuit) against the person or store that sold you the puppy.  Your vet should be able to do a DNA test, or you can have one run here:

Best of luck,