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matching breeds to live under one roof

19 13:34:49

I have a Yorkshire terrier that is one and a half.  He is very attached to us
and hates to be alone in the house for any amount of time.  I was thinking about
getting another puppy but not sure what type to get.  He gets along with some
dogs and some he seems a sketchy with.  Do you have any recommendations for
me???  Thanks for you time

Well another small breed would be a good idea,the best breeds would probably be a mini dashund,a toy poodle,shi tzu or a Pekinese

Another good idea is to go down to your local shelter and tell them what you are looking for and if they have a dog you are looking then you can have that dog meeting your dog

It's always a good idea to have them meet before you bring a new dog home,regardless of where you get it from,and it's also a good idea to have them meet somewhere where it isn't home to either of them(a shelter is a bit different though)