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Panic attacks/anxiety

19 11:37:18

I have a 9 year old beagle which was crated trained, and was always willing & excited to in her crate at bed time or when we left the house. Then after a few years she started having these panic/anxiety attacks, so we put her in a dog diaper and let her sleep on her own bed in the living room. As she got older she started having accidents. So we tried putting her back in her crate. You have to push her in (as she hates it), and now all she does again is pant, whine, bark and pee. I'm tired of not being able to sleep at night, and she is even at the other end of the house. I don't know if when this started years ago it's because we had a bad storm when she was in her crate or why it started happening. I need suggestions as my vet still hasn't called me back with any help. She is healthy otherwise. Thank you in advance, Theresa

Hi Theresa;
Go to this site and read about what can be accomplished with this method of animal massage.
I have used the Tellington-Touch method of animal massage for years as a training tool, and to cure undesirable habits such as aggression and excessive barking, fear of thunderstorms etc, anxiety attacks, and pain relief.
I highly recommend it.
You can order a video from there to learn how to do the different massages correctly.

I suspect it probably was thunderstorms.
the panting and peeing etc that she does is very bad for her. She could actually go into shock, and die on you.
Don't want to panic you, but after a fight, most dogs that die, don't die from injuries in the fight, they die of shock.
I would not put her back in the crate, since that is where she feels most vulnerable and unsafe.
Maybe some anti-depressants could be given until you get the video and can start the massages.
It took one 5 minute massage for calming to cure my English Setter from her terrible fear of thunder.
It may take several massages to get her over the anxiety, and she may never be able to go back into the crate again, but you can help with the anxiety and that should stop the peeing etc.
Right now, she is right where a human is who had had a nervous breakdown.