Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > interbreeding


19 10:36:04

hi there i have a brother and sister Jack russel cross toypom, first time in season...tried to keep them parted but to no avail.what are the chances of their puppies being ok?  thanks so much

Hi Derenee,

Assuming your two dogs are in good health, and are from breeding lines that are free of genetic diseases, the puppies should be fine. You should have your female god examined by your vet.
If you don't want to have a litter, it may be possible to terminate the litter.

This will NOT be the last unwanted litter if you do not spay or neuter at least one of your dogs!!
If affording these surgeries are a problem, contact your local animal shelter or Humane Association to see where there is a reduced cost spay and neutering clinic in your area. You might be able to find a spay/neuter program here:
(search by your zip code for spay/neuter programs in your area, in the area marked "Spay / Neuter Certificates".)

Best of luck,
