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9 year old dog

19 9:21:37

Is it ok to train a 9 year old chihuahua to stay.

Hi Samantha,

Yes, it is imperative that all dogs be taught to stay and to come.  It is actually a safety issue.
Now,  here is how  you do it.
You stand next to them, tell the to sit and hold your hand up with your hand facing the dog and say "stay".
don't make the dog stay any length of time. just immediately say "good stay" and walk a little with him and repeat until you can lengthen that 'stay' time to one minute.   When you can, you repeat, but this time you take a half a step to the side and come right back.  if he stays say good stay..  repeat until he understands.   then repeat and this time take a step forward and do this until you can take a step forward and turn around and face right in front of him.. when he finally understands you can increase time and distance.