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Dog ate 10x1.5 inch rib bones

19 11:25:19

Dog ate 10x1.5 inch rib bones. What should I do? I was thinking of making him
throw up some how.  

Hi Peter,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog's episode tonight.

If the bones were raw and he chewed them, he is probably going to be ok.  However, if they were cooked and he snarfed them down without chewing, you could be facing a dilema.

I am not a vet but my instinct is telling me not to make him throw up, but, instead, to call your vet and ask him what to do.

Bones can perforate the throat if they move back up and perforate the stomach or intestines if they move down and splinter along the way.  This is why it is so important to be in touch with your vet.  He may want to x-ray your dog to see what happened to the bones.

I cannot tell you how imperative it is to make the right decision about this.  You must call your vet and alert him to the situation.

I wish you the very best of luck.

Shelley Davis