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my dog named maggie

19 11:43:43

maggie is a black and tan coonhound doberman mix
doesnt listen
do you no anybody who wants onE???

How old is she, is she neutered, and have you tried obedience training? Where do you live?
If the diog is noit listening, you are not training right.
If obedience trasining is done correctly, any dog will learn.
I have been training dogs for over 60 years, and never had one that refused to learn yet.
I have had a few bull headed ones that took a little longer, but they got the message sooner or later, and becam,e well behaved dogs.
Juast like children, if you don't use the correct method of training, you will have a delinquent.
A Doberman and a Black and Tan are two of the smartest breeds thee are. The do need someone who understands the breed though.
Not all dogs train alike.
Irish Setters, for instance. You can't scold them with the sharp voice you use with most breeds or you will intimidate them, and ruin them. ?They will just become terrified of everything and everyone. You have to use a somewhere in the middle voice.
If you don't have the time and patience to take her to a group class and train her, then tell me where you live and I will try and help you find a rescue group near you that will take her.