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mother dog personality after first litter

19 10:22:49

my dog had first litter of 9 puppies..she done like playing anymore and her food intake is less than normal.she hates leaving the puppies for any time,,dont drink much water,just dont look happy anymore,,she dos nurse her litter often,she dont like standing just laying to eat and hard time to get her to go outside to do her duty,,just worried she aint getting enough exercise or right amount of food to feed puppies,puppies 5 days old


I would be concerned that she retained a placenta or has pyometra as she has just recently whelped. If you have not taken her to the vet for her post whelp exam, please do so immediatly. A nursing mother should be eating everything in sight, and be very thirsty. Make sure she is on high quality puppy food as well, and you can add in eggs, chicken, yogurt and beef liver/hearts to help her with her calcium, iron and protein intake.

I hope she feels better.