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damaged larnyx

19 10:51:54

I took my almost 13 year old dog to the vet for a routine check-up.  She was muzzled to keep her "honest".  Bailie had two hot spots that were shaved.  She was not happy.  One tech was holding her and another came in while the vet drew blood.  While this was happening, she calmed down but was foaming at the mouth and gasping.  I said she is foaming, and was told it was from stress.  She was given two shots and released, she just collapsed.  The muzzle was removed and she laid there with all four legs out, her tongue hanging out, her tongue was white.  She was not breathing or barely breathing.  The Dr called for oxygen and tubes, the tube could not be used b/c her larynx was closed.  The Dr told me that this was normal for some dogs under stress situations.  It took almost five minutes before her tongue was pink again.  The Dr told me to watch her that this could happen again.  How common is this to happen to a dog?  Could the tech have been holding her wrong?  She has never had anything like this before.  The Dr told me that she may need surgery to correct the problem.  Am I right to be concerned that she was mishandled?

You are absolutely right she was DEFINITELY mishandled. This vet needs to be reported.
Find a new vet ASAP.
There is nothing normal about the way she was treated, nor the way she behaved, Thank goodness she didn't die.
Most likely she was being choked, and the muzzle was likely fitted improperly as well,
I would've had a FIT I can tell you that right now.
On to the hotspots. What are you feeding her?
Report this vet to every available agency from the humane society to the state Vet board, and the ag dept. And the better business bureau.
I'm so sorry for your horrible experience and for your dog.