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19 13:53:33

i have a chihuahua..she had 5  pups less than 10 hrs seems as though she doesnt have any milk...her top nipples are dry  the pups are all trying to nurse off of her 2 bottom can i tell if they are getting milk, i cant afford a vet,so what should i do ??

Likely you can save the pups with milk replacer from a pet store.  

Are you aware of the large number of dogs that are slaughtered for lack of homes?  If you can't afford vet care, you can't afford a dog.  I have a problem with people that don't have a clue having intact females and allowing them to produce puppies that will only add to our problems of over population of pets.  Done right, most people lose money breeding dogs.  So if you can't afford a vet, you can't afford to breed puppies.  Check out low cost spay/neuter clinics.