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housebreaking two puppies

19 9:53:33


Lucy & Chewy!
I have two 7mo old shih tzu pups, one male and one female.  When we are home we take them out every hour.  The male will use a pee pad in kitchen on his own but refuses to go outside; the female will go outside but she refuses the pee pad and will pee on the kitchen floor!  We leave them confined to kitchen while we're at work- sometimes up to 8hrs maybe 3 times/week.  I know we need to be more consistent- but we do have to work.  Any suggestions for getting these pups on the same page?!  And to stop peeing on my floor?!  Thanks!!

when you are home and taking them out every hour,,,,if the male does not go outside bring him in and either crate him or put him on a leash and connect the leash to your belt so he is in constant contact with you.  That way you can see when he goes toward the pee pad (DON'T PUNISH OR YELL AT HIM)you can JUST  pick him up and take him outside.  The other thing that works even better is  to carry him around for a few days when he is in the house with you and then take him out.  If he cant pee in the house he will eventually do it outside and of course you treat and praise him as if he just saved your life.  This will have to be done for about a week or two.

When you leave the female,.................separate her from the male.... He is claiming the puppy pads and she is listening to him...get an ex-pen and put the female in it.   Put pee pads all over it except for about 6 inches away from her bed....As she goes on the pads, she will find a spot she likes...then slowly pick up the other pads until she is going on just one...