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Dew Claws on my Husky

19 13:59:58

Hi, Ms. Spoolman-

My Husky is about a year and a half old, but his dewclaws seem to be acting weird. They look to have grown many little bits of nail, sometimes going in other directions. I don't know if this is a problem for him or not, because I don't see any visible discomfort from him. Touching them feels like running your fingers over a comb, with the teeth very close together. It gives the same visual effect as well. I just now went and poked and prodded them, and he showed no discomfort or any sign of pain whatsoever. However, I'm still unsure. Any information you can give me would be very much obliged.

Thank you, from a very worried dog owner.


Hi Jonathan,  I would keep them trimmed down so they don't grow back into his pad, and you can use a dremel to smooth them out if you would like, but the most important thing is to keep them trimmed down.  They also can't split that way.  Hope this helps
