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7 yr old Black Lab gets funky smell

19 9:46:03

Our dog Diesel is just over 7, and occasionally gets a "funks" stink to him.  He is very active and loves to swim in the river, and we always towel him down afterwards.  He has free run of the house and the large fenced back yard where he loves to roll around in the grass and/or snow.  I tracked the smell down to his collar and have washed it, but after a couple days, the smell was back.  Do dogs have glands in their neck area or something that would cause the smell on his collar?  Do you have any other thoughts?  Concerns?  I have a vet appmt for him next week and will ask the vet about it, but would like info before then.  Thanks!!

Hello Bobbie,

It sounds like you need to ditch the collar and buy a new one.  The oils and dander from your pet will penetrate the collar and smell.  Simply washing a collar does not seem to work, I know, I too have tried this.  So my recommendation to you is buy a new one and see if that helps.

I would be curious to know if that works.  You may email me at

Susan Potts