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19 14:31:08

My sister has 2 shi-tzu's. Every time she brings them to the dog groomer, they shake and wine and are basically terrified. The thing is, the last time she went, she had both dogs in her arms. They shook so much that one of them actually did a poop while she was holding them. Are dogs normally this scared to go to a groomers place? Thanks.


Happens everyday. Dogs poop when they get nervous. Let me assure you that they do not act like that the entire time they are at the groomers. As soon as "mommy" walks out the door, the act is over. I swear they do it to make their owners feel guilty. (and it usually works). Please don't take it as a sign that your groomer is doing anything bad to the dogs. Most dogs hate coming to the groomer...they hate the bath most of all. Ask the groomer next time she goes and I will bet she tells her that the dogs are fine once she leaves.
Also, changes groomers frequently adds to the dogs nervousness. Find a place you are comfortable with and stick to it. The dogs will become used to the routine at that shop and will bond with the groomer.