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dogs nipples

19 9:52:24

Why is there puss and blood coming out of my dogs nipples? she has never been fixed and has only had two periods but she seems fine

This sounds as though your bitch has mastitis (a mammary infection). This is usually seen in a bitch who has whelped and is lactating, but it is possible in a bitch who is having a false pregnancy. I have had several bitches over the years with false pregnancies, and these bitches can have milk expressed from their nipples with a bit of effort. One, in fact, became a foster mother for a litter of shelties and raised them from a couple days of age until they were weaned. If there is milk, there can be mastitis.

Your bitch needs to be seen by a veterinarian as this is NOT normal and she may need to be on antibiotics. She should probably be spayed once this infection has cleared up.