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Neutered Pug still mark house?

19 11:59:47

Hello, we have an 8 month old male pug.  We got him when he was 41/2 month old.  He was neutered at 5 month. We were told that the neutering would calm him down and he would not grow up to spray and mark his territory.  He does. We keep him on our first floor, confined with gates, he has a very large area to roam.  On the occasions that he has been in other areas of the house he has marked his scent.  He also tries to mark other things such as our coats, couches, toys... What can we do to end this behavior.  The children and spouse are getting very upset.  Other than the marking, his is what I think would be considered house trained.

Marking doesn't have as much to do with being intact as it does the dog's dominance, but it often helps if the dog is neutered early enough. It could be that your dog's hormones still haven't dropped much yet, and he might yet improve with time. I would be tempted to keep him on leash in order to correct his marking when you have him in other areas of the house. He needs to learn that this is not acceptable behavior. Of course, you need to catch him in the act.

I would get him into on-going obedience classes and start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with him.

In the meantime, you might want to put him into bellybands to keep him from urinating on your possessions.
