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black belly on my dog

19 9:20:55

You seem to be unaware of a breed of dog...Chinese Crested Hairless. My dog is a purebred Crested and has "Black Belly".
CHINESE CRESTEDS DO HAVE SWEAT GLANDS! They are the only canine with sweat glands(or so I've been informed).
I'm anxious to hear what I can do about this stinky, itchy (for him), problem.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for any time you spend looking into this unique situation.

Hi Dane,

I have no idea why you start your message by saying that I seem to be unaware of the Chinese Crested breed, because I'm not.

Since you start off by accusing me of being ignorant, why are you asking me to spend time to look into your problem? One hint, if your dog is suffering with an on-going problem with his skin, you need to have him examined by a vet, not looking for answers from a layperson online.

Best of luck,