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what wrong with my puppy?

19 10:34:05

Hi,  My little puppy roxy is 7 months old,since getting her she has been no problem at all and is fully toilet trained.lately she has not being eating all her food, but has been going back and picking at it. She has on some occasion been a little disobedient as well ignoring my commands, and last night she went upstairs and urinated on the bed, and she has never done this before?!! I was wondering if you could help me are theses the signs that she is coming in to heat, of that she may have worms, i have checked her feaces there does not appear to be any thing there but her stools are quite loose a lot of the time.

thank you.

It could be a number of things,the most likely is she is coming into to heat and it might be a good idea to get her spayed-as heats are messy and inconveniant

It could also be that she is becoming dominant,and now is also a good time to take her to training,but after she has been spayed or at least out of heat so that the other dogs won't bother her-training will help put you in the top dog spot,and a trainer can show you the best way to correct your puppy