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schnauzer housebreaking

19 10:53:35

We have a 6 yr old female schnauzer who was housebroken. She was easy to housebreak. We have a doggy door to a sreened in porch that led out to a fenced in area. We installed a pool and moved her "poopy" pen to the other side of the porch. She was hesitant at first to access the second doggy door to the area, but finally caught on. She can and does use the "poopy" pen, but has recently started using the house. We have "confined" her to the kitchen area with gates and access to the "poopy" pen. I have even caught her going on the screened in porch. It is driving us nuts and we miss her being with us in the house. What can we do???

It is obvious that something about your current setup is extremely upsetting for her. I think you need to return to whatever you did before when she was housebroken. Also, the way you are currently handling this makes it impossible to praise her for pottying in the correct area. You need to go back to a more "one-on-one" approach with her.