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Excessive vulvar bleeding- She was a fixed dog.

19 10:04:13

I understand that you are not a veterinarian, but thank you for offering you'r opinion. I have worked with dogs for a while now, and have never heard or seen something like this before in my life. My 14 year old German shep/husky had EXCESSIVE vulvar bleeding. (Instead of urinating it was all blood) Vulvar Hemorrhaging was something that I had looked into, but it seemed nothing compared to this. She was a fixed female. Unfortunally I had to put her down, she was very old as it was. If you have any opinion on what this could have been please let me know. It would be very appriciated.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

This should have been a question for your veterinarian at the time as anything I say will be purely speculation.

The two things that come instantly to mind are a nasty bladder infection or pyometra (uterine infection). A spayed bitch can still come down with pyometra in rare instances if a small piece (stump) of her uterus was left behind at spaying.

Also, German Shepherds can have a disease called von Willebrandt's Disease, which is similar to hemophilia, and if affected, they can bleed excessively if injured or if a blood vessel should rupture for any reason.