Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > blisters on dogs chin that bleed

blisters on dogs chin that bleed

19 10:43:47

Hello. My dog buster is a pitt bull and going to be two this year and for that last six months he gotten these blister like bumps on his chin and they are always bleeding getting blood everywhere. Everytime I think it heals it comes back. I've taking him to the vet 7 times and nothing. Please help. Thank you

You don't mention what your vet has done for these bumps in the past, but I assume it has worked... at least temporarily. If you aren't happy with your vet's treatment, it is time to seek out a different vet... possibly even a holistic one.

I would have the bumps cultured to make sure that the dog is put on the correct antibiotics, and then give the meds through the entire course of treatment. I would also bathe him in an antibiotic shampoo such as benzoyl-peroxide once a day (his chin anyway).

Have him checked for hypothyroidism.

Do NOT use topical or systemic glucocorticoids (any steroids, such as cortisone) on the dog as they cause a "rebound" effect that could be worse than the outbreak he currently has.

Here is a great webpage on this type of outbreak: