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Moving with my dog/ agression towards people

19 14:04:57

I have a Beagle  / Aussie Shepard short hair mix... Unsure totaly to what kind she is.. but shes been an inside dog for most of her life, shes about 7-8 years old now, Im planning on moving but the place that Im taking her wants her to be an Outside type dog, would this be a bad change for a dog her age? the Location is in IL. any Tips on how to help her adjust or information on what I should do would be helpful.

PS also I found out she might have a bit of German Shephard in her... she has a slight agression towards people, is there a way I can train her without going to a professional?

Hi Jon;
I would never recommend moving an inside dog outside. It could very well effect her health advesely.
The heat in summer and cold in winter would be very hard on her.
at her age, moving her outside and her having to put up with the heat and cold changes could take years off her life.
What I would do it tell them she stays inside, and if that didn't fly, I would move somewhere else.
He having some German shepherd in her does not make her more aggressive.
Some dogs have more dominate personalities, and will dominate if they can. when they are shown (taught)that they don't rule, they learn quickly.
Mean dogs are made, not born.
At her age, I would not attempt to try to help her adjust to living outside. I just wouldn't have it.